The Organization

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You will learn more about our history.

Our History

Morghman was born with extremely weak muscles for a baby. As he grew he made them develop into regular human arms. Still, many despised him. He hated these people. So he thought of a plan. But soon he reallized he couldn't do it alone. So now, he has formed an alliance. An alliance called The Organization. Now he can carry out his plan.

Our Mission

Our mission is very simple. We will grow strong until we can destroy all other clans. We must shed our feelings, we will betray our friends. We will not betray other members of the clan or you will pay the consequences. All who have mocked us will now regret it when they see us in the wilderness. We are the Organization!

Our Motto

We Have Been Rejected

We Have Fallen

We Have Risen

We Have Now Come For Revenge

We Are The Organization!


The leader of this clan is Morghman, he is a level 53, he can be found on mostly on World 75, possibly at 4:00 to 8:00 P.M Central Time.